Export Marketing Fund (EMF)

The EMF (SME Export Marketing Fund) provides funding to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to participate in export promotion activities and expand their presence in international markets.


Enterprise application qualifications

Manufacturing and non-manufacturing restrictions
Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry employs fewer than 100 people; Non-manufacturing employs fewer than 50 people.
Activities involve restrictions
The applicant enterprise cannot involve the organizer/co-organizer of export promotion activities, service providers or companies associated with them.
Relevant enterprise regulations
Applicant companies with similar business registration information (such as business nature, address, contact number, shareholders/directors) will be regarded as related companies.

Funding Scope

The funding provided by the fund is available for companies to participate in the following promotional activities to promote their products and/or services:

Overseas/local trade exhibitions

Business missions

Trade publication advertisements

Export promotion through electronic platforms/media

Company websites/mobile applications

Trusted by 1000+ customers across Hong Kong

Up to HKD $100million of funding amount

The EMF (SME Export Marketing Fund) provides funding to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to participate in export promotion activities and expand their presence in international markets.

Export Marketing Fund (EMF)

Application for EMF

The team will verify all required documents for EMF, including company operational documents, supplier quotations, and eligibility criteria, to avoid any errors or omissions that may delay the application process.

EMF Review

When applying for EMF, the relevant authority will communicate the evaluation results through written notification and proceed to sign a funding agreement.

Approval of EMF

Once the EMF application is approved, the authority will notify the applicant in writing, and a funding agreement will be signed.

Implementation of EMF Project

The approved EMF project must be implemented within twelve months. The team will assist in monitoring the progress and implementation.

Submission of EMF Report

After project implementation, a final report and audited accounts must be submitted to the relevant authority. The team will assist in reviewing the documents for accuracy to minimize approval delays.

Disbursement of Funding

If the project report is accepted by the authority, the approved funding will be disbursed to the applicant, completing the entire process of applying for EMF.

Let MGT assist you in applying for EMF

Schedule a 15-minute conversation with us immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions
Export Marketing Fund (EMF)?

The SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) is a funding program launched by the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Each company can apply to the EMF multiple times without limitation. In the 2022 Policy Address, the government announced an increase in the funding ceiling for each company from the current HK$800,000 to HK$1 million. The program aims to provide financial assistance to SMEs for export promotion, enhancing their competitiveness in overseas markets through activities such as exhibitions, business missions, and online advertising. To assist businesses in promoting their activities during the pandemic, starting from April 30, 2021, the EMF has expanded its funding scope to include local market-targeted and significant exhibitions, as well as online exhibitions. The requirement of being limited to SMEs for application has also been relaxed. These special measures will be in effect until the end of June 2026.


Companies applying for funding must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. The company must have been registered in Hong Kong in accordance with the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
  2. When applying for the fund, the company must have substantial business operations in Hong Kong. Shell companies or companies engaged in main business operations outside Hong Kong will not be deemed to have substantive business operations in Hong Kong.
  3. If the company has previously received funding from the fund, the cumulative funding amount received cannot exceed the cumulative funding limit set by the fund. Applicant companies with similar business registration information (such as business nature, address, contact number, shareholders/directors) will be regarded as connected companies. For the calculation of the cumulative funding ceiling, these related companies will be regarded as a single company, that is, the cumulative funding received by these related companies will be combined and cannot exceed the cumulative funding ceiling.
  4. The company is not the sponsor/co-organizer/service provider or company connected with the sponsor/co-organizer/service provider of the export promotion activity involved in the application.
Scope of Funding?

EMF provides funding support to enterprises for their participation in the following promotion activities to promote their own products and/or services. Such promotion activities/platforms must be organised/operated by organisations with a good track record:

  1. Trade exhibitions held outside Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong.
  2. Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong.
  3. Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting the local market.
  4. Online trade exhibitions.
  5. Business missions outside Hong Kong.
  6. Online business missions.
  7. Advertisements on trade publications that mainly target markets outside Hong Kong.
  8. Export promotion activities through electronic platforms/media, such as advertising, keyword searches, uploading product information, and establishing or optimizing online stores.
  9. Setting up or enhancing a corporate website/mobile application owned by the applicant enterprise that mainly targets markets outside Hong Kong.
Extra Funding Conditions

Applicant enterprises participating in eligible promotion activities must also comply with the following conditions in order to be eligible for funding support under EMF:

  1. Applicant enterprises must participate in promotion activities as Hong Kong enterprises, and must display their full company name and Hong Kong contact information (e.g. address, telephone number, fax number) on the exhibitors’ list, delegation list, advertisements, electronic platforms/media, and corporate website/mobile application
  2. As far as exhibitions and business missions are concerned, applicant enterprises must participate as exhibitors in an exhibition and as delegates in a business mission. Applicant enterprises participating in online exhibitions, as booth exhibitors in physical exhibitions and in business missions should be directly represented by their proprietors/partners/shareholders, and/or Hong Kong-based salaried employees for the whole period of the activity concerned. Participation by any other means, including outsourcing or subcontracting to a third party or authorising a third party to participate in the activity, will not be accepted.
  3. The activity itself must be related to the business of the applicant enterprise and the applicant enterprise must promote only its own products and/or services in the activity concerned.
Funding Ceilings?

Funding Ceiling per Application

Each application should cover expenditure related to one promotion activity. The maximum amount of funding support for each successful application is 50% of the total approved expenditure incurred by the applicant enterprise or HK$100,000, whichever is the less. The amount of funding support for video/product shooting and editing services for each application will be no more than the total amount of government funding approved for all other eligible expenditure items under the same application, i.e. capped at 50% of the total approved government funding per application.

Cumulative Funding Ceiling per Enterprise

There is no limit on the number of applications by an enterprise for funding support under EMF. However, each enterprise may receive funding support under EMF up to a cumulative limit of HK$1,000,000 and a maximum of 50% of the cumulative limit may be used for applications relating to setting up/enhancing the corporate website/mobile application owned by the applicant enterprise. Applicant enterprises may obtain online a full record of their applications and available funding balance under EMF by keying in their Business Registration numbers and any one of its application numbers via the function of “Enquiry on Previously Approved Applications/Application Status/Applicant’s Available Funding Balance” on the “SME Export Marketing Fund” webpage.
Supporting Documents?
  • The required documents for applying to the EMF in either the "Actual Expenditure Reimbursement" or "First Installment and Final Installment" form include:
  • Completed application form.
  • Copy of the Business Registration Certificate.
  • Copy of the Annual Return (Form NAR1) or Certificate of Incorporation (Form NNC1) from the Companies Registry for limited companies; or Form 1(A) or Form 1(C) from the Business Registration Office for unlimited companies.
  • Copy of the Hong Kong identity card or passport of the person signing the application form.
  • For enterprises applying for the first installment, two signed copies of the funding agreement are required. For the final installment, original receipts or verified copies and other relevant documents are needed.
  • For enterprises applying for Actual Expenditure Reimbursement, original expenditure receipts or verified copies, as well as copies of relevant invoices, quotations, and contracts, are required.
  • Any additional supporting documents that may be required depending on the specific case.
Disbursement methods

Actual Expenditure Reimbursement

The enterprise must submit the application within 60 calendar days after the completion date of the participating trade exhibition or business mission, the publication date of the advertisement in trade publications, the completion date of promotion activities on electronic platforms/media, or the completion date of the relevant project for establishing or optimizing the company's website/mobile application.

First Installment and Final Installment

The enterprise must submit the application within 45 to 120 calendar days before the start date of the participating trade exhibition or business mission, the publication date of the advertisement in trade publications, the start date of promotion activities on electronic platforms/media, or the commencement date of the relevant project for establishing or optimizing the company's website/mobile application. After completing the related promotion activities, enterprises that successfully apply for the first installment must, within 60 calendar days from the completion date of the promotion activities, submit the corresponding final installment application for the remaining eligible expenditure items as specified in the application guidelines for Actual Expenditure Reimbursement.
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